Second year in her diplomacy studies, Ioana Mogos has found a new life in Israel when she started her studies in the IDC Herzliya – The Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy. She adjusted perfectly to the cultural background of this country due to the Jewish tradition and Hebrew language studies during her Laude-Reut high school year.
We are so proud of you, Ioana! Looking forward to calling you Your Excellency in your future position as ambassador of Romania!
“Dear Tova,
I am writing to update you about my second year in the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy. It is midterms season so these are more challenging times, also during the pandemic, but we’re doing the best that we can. I am grateful for the IDC professionals that adapted their teaching methods to the new online environment, making it resemble as much as possible to in-person learning and making it more engaging.
As you know, I became President of IDCMUN and we are looking forward to participating in LaudeMUN 2021. Our delegates are getting prepared to participate in such a prestigious conference, by getting involved in the Israeli national conference and receiving many recognitions and awards.
Soon I will be interning at the Romanian Embassy in the State of Israel, which is a great opportunity for me to practice my knowledge and skills from IDC and from IDCMUN. Therefore, I am really looking forward to this experience, which will be a path for my career in diplomacy.
Lastly, I would like to encourage all your students to take into account IDC Herzliya when applying for their bachelor degree. It is a great place to pursue the Laude-Reut values and become the leaders of tomorrow.
For now me, my boyfriend, Liran and our puppy, Lenon send you our warmest regards from Israel.
Yours sincerely,
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